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Deviation Statistics Component...

Deviation Statistics Component Usage

Deviation statistics in Boards on Fire is a powerful tool for analyzing and tracking registered deviations over time. With clear and detailed statistics, you can identify patterns, trends, and potential areas for improvement in your processes.

Using deviation statistics, you can easily identify recurring issues, track the progress of corrective actions, and measure their effectiveness. The overview view provides a summary of key metrics, such as the number of registered deviations, the most common types of deviations, severity distribution, and deviations per organization or department. With filtering options, you can further refine your analysis and break down the statistics based on deviation type, severity level, responsible person, or status.

The statistics are not just a tool for understanding what has happened but also a foundation for making better decisions moving forward. By regularly analyzing the data, you can proactively address recurring issues, follow up on the effectiveness of corrective actions, and ensure that resources are allocated effectively.

By integrating deviation statistics in Boards on Fire as a key part of your improvement efforts, you can create a more structured, proactive, and quality-focused organization.

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